The EUROMBR – Marie Curie Initial Training Network – invites applications for several research vacancies. EUROMBR seeks suitable candidates to fill out 11 early stage researcher (ESR) positions. Successful candidates are expected to undertake mobility in the frame of this ITN in order to implement an Individual Research Project (IRP) hosted by one of the consortium partner institutions. Futhermore, EUROMBR ESRs will go through a thorough and sustained training programme (including secondments within the network).
Description of the EUROMBR Marie Curie ITN project
EUROMBR is an ITN that will run from November 2013 until October 2017, and is coordinated by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), more specifically by the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering. The project will create a platform of mobility and training of young researchers, both pre-docs and post-docs, by means of customized research projects, exchange of knowhow among researchers and partners, attendance to workshops and seminars, as well as training in research complementary skills (project management, team leadership, intellectual property rights, etc).
The main objective of the EUROMBR proposal is to deliver a trans-European network of industrially oriented specialists fully trained in the development and application of microbioreactor (MBR) technology to support the progress of innovative bio-based manufacturing processes.
In practice, development of these bio-based manufacturing processes is very expensive and requires tremendous amounts of experimental effort:
During screening for new processes or applications a large number of small-scale experiments are required to identify the most suitable candidates.
When scaling up a process via lab to pilot to production scale, many time-consuming and expensive experiments are necessary to determine those conditions that yield the best process performance.
In the current state-of-the-art, biocatalysis is increasingly being applied to the manufacturing of bulk chemicals, fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. This project aims at further promoting the use of microbioreactors (MBRs) for more efficient screening and scale-up of biocatalytic processes.
For more information see:
Marie Curie Actions webpage