It is in the own interest of the academic and industrial partners to publish the results of the EUROMBR research project at scientific conferences and in the open scientific literature. Another active and important way to disseminate the results of the projects is the use for teaching and generation of material, which is distributed to students and other receiving audiences for instance in industry. At the same time the intellectual property of industrial partners must be protected and respected by the EUROMBR consortium. But in general the members of the consortium are convinced that the publication of the results is also equally important for the industrial partners, and therefore a well-defined procedure is established in the consortium agreement in order to avoid violation of specific interests of each individual partner. This procedure will guarantee on the one hand the vital economic interests of the companies, but will be on the other hand be sufficiently simplified and easy to allow partners to keepa realistic timeline. All participating companies of the consortium will profit from the major benefit of receiving the latest information about the newest technological developments within microreactor technology.
The Publications in peer-reviewed journals with high impact factors will be the goal, for example in journals such as: Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering Journal, Organic Process Research & Development, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, etc.. With help of these publications it is intended to form an awareness of the scientific investigations and results and their capacity to a broad audience. Those publishing activities will be accompanied by a number of presentations at established and broadly recognized scientific conferences that balance with the scope and the duration of the project. Candidates for such conferences are ESBES, BIOTRANS, µTAS or similar. A number of the consortium partners are actively involved in the organisation of the International Conference on Implementation of Microreactor Technology in Biotechnology (IMTB 2013) and it is envisioned that at the following conference in 2015 a whole session will be dedicated to the ideas and concepts developed during the EUROMBR ITN project.
Another important dissemination channel is the public accessible project website broadcasting the latest updated results of the work in the consortium to the public. The general information concerning the current activities of the project will be revised and renewed regularly and selected presentations as well as public deliverables will be made accessible to the public. At this homepage, which will partly be designed with help of a professional subcontracted modern communication design company, we will also announce all public events like conferences, trade fairs, webinars etc. in form of a project calender. Most of the participating universities have a research-based approach of teaching and therefore the universities will also incroporate the actual established results, concepts, software and other knowedge into the teaching curriculum of the respective institution.