
EUROMBR Training Course

5th International EUROMBR Training Course - on Bioprocess Development & Medical Applications of Microfluids

The 5th EUROMBR International Summer School on Microfluidics addresses the study of basic and applied aspects of microfluidics in bioprocess development and medical applications, being structured in two parallel running Training Courses: Bioprocess Development & Medical Applications of Microfluids.

5-day workshop with lecture program and laboratory hands-on

September 9-13, 2024, University "Magna Graecia" of Catanzaro, Italy

To find out more and register, please visit the EUROMBR Training Course Website.


The EUROMBR project

Watch this movie to get to know the EUROMBR project. Meet the international veterans and future stars of the microfluidics research world, who are all working hard to score the ultimate scientific goal of taking the revolutionary game of microfluidics to the next level through the support of the EUROMBR project.

Please visit also www.worldofmicrofluidics.com/

Microfluidics and Microreactors

See what we are doing and learn more about the world of microfluidics. Discover how microfluidics has changed the scientific research game from the macro days to the microbioreactor arenas. Learn more about the many great advantages microbioreactor-based products have for us and our environment.

Please visit also www.worldofmicrofluidics.com/