3rd price winning illustration “Wellnes microresort for cells”, showing mixing performance in a microbubble column-bioreactor

3rd price of the art and science competition at MicroTas 2016

Thursday 13 Oct 16

Susanna Lladó Maldonado (ESR9) and Detlev Rasch (Institute of Biochemical Engineering, TU Braunschweig) won the third price of the Art in Science Competition at the µTAS 2016 international conference in Dublin, Ireland, with their illustration “Wellness microresort for cells”, showing mixing performance in a microbubble column-bioreactor. The award highlights the aesthetic value in scientific illustrations while still conveying scientific merit.

The illustration originates from Susanna’s project “Bioengineering at the micro-scale: Enhanced mixing on small scales and cultivation in microfluidic screening bioreactors”, which is part of the EUROMBR project.

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